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Shipping And Returns


What are the shipping methods available?

Tracked Delivery

Our orders are shipped and delivered on business days (Monday - Saturday, excluding public holidays). Shipping charges apply for orders below USD 200.

Our standard shipping carrier is DHL.

Shipping Summary
Shipping Method Cost Timeframe
Standard Courier
(For orders USD 200 and above)
FREE 5 - 10 business days
Standard Courier
(For orders below USD 200)
Shipping fees will be calculated based on volumetric weight and reflected upon checking out. 5 - 10 business days

Do you ship internationally?

We regret that we do not ship outside United States at this time for orders placed on us.drs-secret.com. Please use our Store Locator to find the nearest DR's Secret store near you.

How long will it take for my order to arrive once it's shipped?

Your order will arrive in 5-10 business days. If you do not receive your order after 10 working days, please contact our customer care at onlinestore@us.bwlgroup.com.

Can I track my delivery?

You will receive a tracking number via SMS after your order has been dispatched.


Return & Exchange Policy

Our Return & Exchange Policy applies only to products purchased on our website - us.drs-secret.com. Any DR's Secret product purchased through third parties or our distributors are not covered under this policy.

We offer returns and exchanges for defective or wrong items.

We allow exchange of defective products provided the returned products are in its original packaging and accompanied by the original tax invoice. The returned products should match the batch number which were originally shipped. For non-defective products returned must be in good and saleable conditions.

Please be advised that prior authorisation is required on all returns and exchanges. Any return or exchange sent to us without return authorisation cannot be accepted. Return acceptance is at the sole discretion of DR's Secret.

Step 1: Should you receive a wrong or defective item, please contact us immediately or no later than 7 days upon receipt at onlinestore@us.bwlgroup.com. Please provide the order number along with the lot number.

Step 2: Once your return/exchange request is authorised by our customer service team, they will be in contact with you should refunds or exchanges be carried out. Kindly hold onto the item(s) in case they need to collect back for assessment. Note: Shipping and charges will be arranged and borne by us. If you choose to send back the item(s) by yourself, it must be returned to us within 15 days upon confirmation.

Exchange will be made within 5 business days once the validity of the defective products is confirmed.

All refunds to the customers will be made via Credit Card Refund within three (3) weeks upon approval, following the receipt of the completed Product Feedback Form and/or Amendment Form from the customers. All refunds will be in US Dollars. Any refunds made during the stipulated time period will be subjected to processing fees. These may include an administration fee of US$25 and 5% original credit card charges calculated based on the returned products' price, and actual shipping charges incurred. These fees will be directly deducted from the refund amount (invoice's total amount).

Learn how to buy DR's Secret products and how to start using our products. For products enquiries, you may view our FAQ page.
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